The Hari Singh Nalwa Foundation Trust

Punjab Singh
( d.1854)

Punjab Singh


Gurdit Singh and Jawahir Singh were from Hari Singh’s first wife, Raj Kaur, and Arjan Singh and Punjab Singh from Desan. The sole reference to Punjab Singh in the court chronicle is dated November 1838, when he led a section of the troops in the Lahore army. In January 1839, Arjan and Punjab Singh reportedly held a jagir worth 40,000 rupees. In return, they were to furnish sixty or seventy sowars.

The East India Company resumed the jagirs of Gurdit Singh, Jawahir Singh, and Arjan Singh following the annexation of Punjab. Punjab Singh, who was on bad terms with his brothers, refused to join the loyalists. As a result, only he could keep his jagirs.