The Hari Singh Nalwa Foundation Trust

Nand Kaur

Nand Kaur m Ganda Singh Bedi of Baba Kotli Fakir Chand Kotliwale



Nand Kaur was unmarried when Hari Singh Nalwa lay on his deathbed in Jamrud, and his foremost concern at that juncture was her marriage.

She married Baba Ganda Singh Bedi of Kotli Baba Fakir Chand in the Sialkot District. Baba Fakir Chand was the seventh in the line of descent from Guru Nanak. Ganda Singh came from this line of the Bedis. Ganda Singh’s great-great-uncle, Baba Ram Singh Bedi, was highly venerated as a Sikh martyr who died fighting early Afghan incursions into Punjab. Hari Singh Nalwa maintained a close association with the Bedis during his lifetime. A fifth-generation descendant of Nand Kaur recalled her dowry stored in their ancestral house in Kotli, now in Pakistan. It included carved sandalwood furniture, a bed with golden posts and silver frames, and large cooking utensils that served as the ideal hiding place for a child aged seven (as narrated by her descendant B.S. Bedi).